Top- Notch Emerging Android App Development Trends


Over the past decade, the mobile app development sector has evolved significantly and many platforms emerged along with it. Android platform is one such platform that many users have accepted all around the world. Android app development requires extensive knowledge to deal with the challenges.
And, as we have witnessed, the landscape of Mobile app development is constantly changing with the shift in user's requirement and new technologies. Therefore, the mobile app developers should be aware of each Mobile App Development trend to understand the right approach for the ideal development selection.

The blog illustrates the emerging Android app development strategies could change the way apps will be developed in the years to come.

This guide will also benefit to understand and discover which of these methods will lead you towards success.

➊ Progressive Web app (PWAs)

With the advancing time, the increasing demands for capabilities of a web app, and the look and feel of a native app, the present generation are looking out new solution like Progressive web apps - an Android app development method, that has slowly taken over the traditions structure of app development.

Its difficult to notice the difference between a PWA and web app, as users open the PWA in a browser. With PWAs, developers can take advantage of native-like features that include offline support, Push notifications and fast loading times.
Well, this Android app development trend is getting huge popularity and likely to render success in the future.

For instance; PWAs are comparatively simple to develop because they don't require specialized skills or a separate code for each other OS. Mobile development companies offer innumerable lightweight tools such as Ionic and Mobify to support innovative and Agile Development. And of course, the increasing demand for unique user experience, advanced performance and customizes features, proffers PWA as a hot and appealing option.

Must Read: Android Trends worth watching in 2018

➋ Instant Apps

The next trend that fuels Android-specific mobile app development is non-other than "Instant Apps". The greatest advantage of instant applications are, it allows users to first test the application before actually installing it.

With this, the users can save data on every install and put forth the real potential of the application through the instant apps. In general terms, Instant apps are native containers, along with device hardware access. Hence, no separate coding is required. The users can have access to the instant app via Google (it mainly rely on Google and work for a specific case) or search link which contains s portion of the app.

This gives a clears idea to the users whether the app is worth installing or not, and then accordingly they can make the decision.

The e-commerce industry seems to be waved by the hot instant app trend as it facilitates a simple way to boost discoverability. Apart from this, it allows users to download similar native apps.

Well, in order to develop an instant app, it is essential to break the native app code into smaller modules, this also decreases app dependencies.

➌ Cloud-Based Android Apps

Well, today, having a cloud-based app is really important, as it allows users to store data in a secure storage. And, we understand how crucial is app security, cloud computing is the only solution that the most Android app developers should accompany this year.

And once the data is on the cloud, the user's device is safe from extra load, ensuring that the device is compatible with any Android Devices.

Further, when we talk about the number, most of the employees and customers are Android users, enterprise mobile applications will also continue in trend. And, security of the enterprise data and customized app features is the demand of the future. Hence, developers can afford to ignore cloud-based Android apps in the upcoming years.

➍ Artificial Intelligence - Android AI Assistant

No Denial, Artificial Intelligence (AI) still continues to take on the market Buzz. And Google is the first to initiate with this advancing technology.

Last year only, in the Google I/O conference, AI witnessed applaud and the respective CEO Sundar Pichai emphasis on moving to AI-first world.

Figures as per Gartner reveals that, by the year 2019, all the user interactions (approx 20%) will be accomplished with the virtual personal assistants. Google's Android AI assistant justifies its worthless compared to other AI-assistant.
This clearly indicates the increase in the development of Android apps that embed, integrate or support AI-assistant.

➎ Accelerated Mobile Page Supported Web Apps

Proposed by Google, Accelerated Mobile Page project was aimed at improving the user search experience. Well, it assumed that it will greatly influence the mobile app usage on the web browser. With this AMP-based web apps, the users can experience the boost in loading speed of mobile app, which attracts huge traffic.

➤ Boost Mobile app visitors
➤ Bounce rate decrease
➤ Enhance mobile search ranking
➤ Ad impression


The trends of the development are decided by the demand of the users and the features that they look for in the application. Hence, it becomes necessary for mobile app development company to comprehended the needs to integrate many innovative development trends in their process.

At Root Info Solutions - our engineering leads Android app developers are highly enthusiastic and dedicated to adopting the latest trend to establish efficient Android App Development possible focusing on benefits of both the clients and users alike.

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